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Balduchi Law Office, PC July 15, 2021

Tips for Putting Your Best Foot Forward Regarding Child Custody

Iowa parents who are going through a divorce know how difficult it can be to try to disentangle their lives from their spouse while also having to maintain a connection for the sake of the kids. Child custody is often one of the most complicated and contentious areas of divorce to complete. However, that does not have to be the case for all divorcing parents.

Though you and your soon-to-be ex may no longer get along as well as you used to, that does not necessarily mean that you cannot put aside your differences for the well-being of your children. Of course, tensions can run high at times during divorce proceedings, so you may want to prepare for the worst while trying to work toward the best.

What Can You Do?

If you and the other parent cannot come to a mutual agreement on child custody, the court will likely have to make the final decisions. Still, that does not mean that you will have no say in the outcome. In fact, your actions and knowledge could play a significant role in the terms that the court finds best for your children. Some ways you put your best foot forward during your case include the following:

  • Show the court that you value your time with your children by spending as much time as possible or allowed with them.

  • Show the court that you are willing to work with the other parent to ensure the well-being of the kids.

  • Show the court that you love your children and that you are a fit parent.

  • Request that the court perform an in-home evaluation if someone questions your living arrangements or parenting abilities.

  • Gain information on child custody laws and your rights as a parent.

  • Keep records and provide evidence to the court if you believe the other parent is unfit to care for the kids.

It may seem impossible that the court could decide that you should not get to spend as much time with your children as you want, but it is a very real possibility. If you hope to achieve the best custody outcomes possible, remaining realistic and putting forth the effort to prove your parenting abilities to the court may be necessary. Fortunately, even if the initial result is not what you had hoped, you may be able to request a custody modification later if you see a significant change in your circumstances.


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